Ronald Campbell
Board Member
Position 2
Term Start: 2023
Term Expires: 2026
E-mail: rcampbell@wallerisd.netRonald Campbell was appointed to the Waller ISD Board on October 8, 2012 and re-elected on May 2013, 2014, and 2017 for three-year terms. Mr. Campbell was nominated by the Board to serve as Board Secretary in June 2014, and as Board Vice President in June 2016. He was raised in Houston, Texas and is a graduate of Sam Houston High School in 1982. He moved to Waller in 1989. Mr. Campbell is employed by the Harris County Engineering Department as a Sr. Project Manager since 1986.
Mr. Campbell has two children that have attended Waller ISD K-12th grades. His oldest son, Corey attended Texas State University and his youngest son Wesley attended Texas A&M University, graduating with a degree in Industrial Distribution Engineering.
Mr. Campbell is known for volunteering in many areas around Waller ISD. In his spare time, he likes fishing, boating, horseback riding, cooking, camping, and drone flying.