Canvas for Parents
Waller ISD (WISD) parents can now access Canvas, our new Learning Management System via Canvas for Parents. This allows parents/guardians the opportunity to log in as “Observers'' for an everyday overview of their student's learning interactions including calendars, assignments, submissions, and class resources. To login, parents must have a student pairing code. Learn how to get the pairing code from your child’s account.
Canvas Parent Feedback - Let us know how we can improve!
Questions? Contact Adela Cornejo at acornejo@wallerisd.net or 936.310.6564.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What does Canvas do for parents?
Canvas gives parents an everyday overview of their student's learning interactions. As a parent, not only will you be able to see assignment details like due dates, instructions, and requirements, you can also customize your notifications so you will be alerted when new Canvas updates are posted, such as assignments and grades. Please note that Canvas does not standardize the way teachers choose to organize their classes. Course designs and features will vary from one course to the next. If a student needs support with a particular class, they should contact their teacher.
How do I create a parent Canvas account?
Will each parent need a different pairing code?
Each parent/observer will need to create their own account and pair with their child. Pairing codes will expire in seven days, or after one use. Every time a pairing code is requested, a new pairing code will be provided. How to Get Pairing Code
I have more than one child. Do I have to create multiple accounts for each student?
No. Create ONE account and add students to that account. How to Add a Student to My Canvas Account
Will I need a new parent code every year?
No. Once you have created an account and have paired with your student, you will be paired with that student until they graduate.
If I make changes to my account, will it affect my child’s Canvas account?
No. Nothing you do to your account will affect the student’s account.
What grade levels will be using Canvas?
All WISD students in every grade level will be using Canvas.
Will all assignments/activities be added to Canvas?
In-class assignments/activities will not necessarily be added to Canvas. This is at the teacher's discretion.
Will my students still do hands-on activities?
Yes. All students will continue to do hands-on activities.
Can students cross out an item on their To Do List if they still haven’t turned it in?
Students cannot cross items out. Items are ONLY crossed out when they have been completed.
How can I tell if my child turned in a blank assignment?
Canvas does not allow students to submit blank assignments. Canvas allows parents to see how long the student took on an assignment.
How can my student access Canvas?
Students can find the Canvas app on their Clever account.
If my child is sick, will they have to complete Canvas assignments?
Teachers will work with students who are ill just as they have done in the past.
Will Canvas replace Skyward?
No. Canvas is our new learning management system (LMS). Skyward is our student information system (SIS). Skyward will continue to be WISD’s official gradebook. It is possible that not every assignment will be done online through Canvas. The graded in-class assignments/activities will be posted on Skyward, but not necessarily on Canvas.
What's the difference between Canvas and Skyward?
Skyward is a student information system (SIS). It's where student transcripts, demographics, class schedules, report cards, and current overall course grades are housed.
Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS) that is better suited for giving parents access to assignment details (due dates, requirements, descriptions,etc.), course resources, and student submissions. For assignments collected through Canvas, parents can view student submissions and see the date and time assignments are submitted.Canvas (Learning Management System) vs Skyward (Student Information System) Assignments (due dates, instructions, requirements, etc.)
Student Submissions (at teacher's discretion)
Course Resources
Class Announcements
Learning Tools
Class Discussions
Course Notifications (new assignments, due dates, submissions, etc.)Attendance
Course Grades
Report Cards
Course Schedules
Academic History
Parent/Guardian Contact Information
Emergency Contacts -
My student needs help navigating Canvas. How can I support them?
Teachers will be supporting them in their needs during the day and throughout the year. Parents can find ways to support their students in the Canvas Student Guides.
As a parent, I still need more support using canvas. How can I get extra support?
Parents can find extra support in the Canvas Parent Guides.