•  choir

    The Waller Junior High School Choir is dedicated to teaching students how to use their body, voices, and musical choices to produce musical expression. The course is one semester long with several opportunities for students to present their performances to parents, the student body, and the community.

    The basis for WJH Choir falls under Four basic strands--perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation -- provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. In music, students develop their intellect and refine their emotions, understanding the cultural and creative nature of musical artistry and making connections among music, the other arts, technology, and other aspects of social life. Through creative performance, students apply the expressive technical skills of music and critical-thinking skills to evaluate multiple forms of problem solving.

    By reflecting on musical periods and styles, students understand music's role in history and are able to participate successfully in a diverse society. Students analyze and evaluate music, developing criteria for making critical judgments and informed choices.