Title 1
ReadingMy job as a Title I Reading teacher is to assist the regular classroom teacher with her student or students who are at risk. An at-risk student is identified by his/her performance on standardized tests. The teacher and I look over the test results of those students and make a plan for them.
Depending on the deficiency, I have many options here at Holleman I can use to strengthen those deficiencies. I may take the child to my classroom where it is quiet and work one on one on a skill. I may sit in the classroom and help the student stay focused and restate the instructions the teacher has given.
I work with students on language development, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and phonemic awareness. I may use some computer generated interventions such as The Imagination Station, Rosetta Stone, or Imagine Learning. I have the option to use Read Naturally or Read 180. It just depends on the individual child as to what resource I use.
Students who attend Waller ISD are very fortunate to have the opportunity to use these types of interventions.Math is multi-sensory individualized instructional support program. Our focus is on mastering the basic facts, math vocabulary and problem solving skills through a partnership with the classroom. Our goal is to improve mathematical learning and ensure that all students are taught mathematics at the level of rigor and conceptual understanding that will lead to proficiency in the 21st Century.