Bilingual/ESL Programs
English as Second Language Program
The English as a Second Language (ESL) is a Waller ISD pull out model approved by TEA and designed for Emergent Bilinguals (EB) who are still acquiring English language proficiency. The ESL pull out model enables EBs to become academically successful in the comprehension, reading, speaking, and composition of the English Language. Courses for ESL students provide instruction based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and follow the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). The ESL instructional program strives to meet the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of EBs [19 TAC Chapter 89.1210(f)(g)].
Bilingual Education Program
The Elementary Bilingual Early Exit Program will produce bilingual and biliterate students capable of being full and productive members of our global society. The bilingual education program in Waller ISD is a full-time program of instruction in which both the students' home language and English is used for instruction by providing a full-time bilingual teacher certified under the Texas Education Code (TEC), §29.061(b). The amount of instruction in each language within the bilingual education program in Waller ISD is commensurate with the students' level of proficiency in each language and their level of academic achievement. Addressing the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of English language learners.
The goals of the program shall be to:- Focus on both first and second language acquisition.
- Provide culturally relevant curriculum that creates an atmosphere for learning and upgrading academic skills.
- Provide a strong and commensurate English literacy component to prepare Emergent Bilinguals to take the STAAR test in English by third grade.
- Provide an effective academic bilingual/bicultural program for all Emergent Bilinguals.
Working hard for graduation!
¡Trabajando duro para la graduación!