2019 Waller ISD Bond Advisory Committee Begins Work
Feb. 7 the 2019 Waller ISD (WISD) Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) met at H.T. Jones Elementary (JES) to begin the hard work of reviewing WISD data and information in order to create a long-range facilities plan for WISD that takes care of current students and plans for growth over the next 10 years. The work will lead to the creation of a bond proposal for the WISD Board of Trustees to consider for a possible November 2019 election.
The BAC is made up of more than 50 Waller ISD (WISD) parents, citizens, business owners, elected officials, landowners, and other district stakeholders. All meetings are open to the public to attend.
“We hope that everyone in our district can see themselves represented through one or more of the committee members,” WISD Superintendent Kevin Moran said.
During the kickoff meeting, the committee reviewed the purpose of their work, WISD bond election history, the basics of school finance, and the WISD demographic study report.
“I was very impressed with the committee,” Moran said. “After hearing all the information we presented, they asked insightful questions and I could tell they are really committed to the work. Our team is committed to a transparent process. We want to be sure we provide as much information about the state of our district to this committee and our community at-large as we work through this process.”
The work of the BAC is being led by facilitator Michelle Hughes of TranCend4.
“We feel it’s important to have an unbiased third-party facilitator whose purpose is to help the committee work through the process,” Moran said. “Michelle worked with our 2015 bond committee and we heard positive feedback so we went back to her to work with our community again. She keeps the focus of the work and guides meaningful conversation for the committee with district staff available to provide facts along the way.”
All information about the meetings will be posted at www.wallerisd.net. Simply click on the “2019 Waller ISD Bond Advisory Committee” button on the homepage. The next meeting of the BAC will begin at 6 p.m. Feb. 21 at JES. This meeting will include tours of I.T. Holleman Elementary, Waller Junior High School, and Waller High School.