Bond Advisory Committee: Meeting 5 Recap
The 2019 Waller ISD (WISD) Bond Advisory Committee (BAC) met for its fifth meeting on April 18. WISD Board President David Kaminski opened the meeting and shared Board perspective on school finance and tax rate.
The BAC then began to dive dove deeper in to the details of existing and future facility needs for students and the proposed long-range plan presented during meeting four. Details included projected cost estimates, concept images, and options within projects. To help the committee process all the information and make decisions, committee members were given spreadsheets and menu-style resources to study before the May 2 meeting.
All meetings of the BAC are open to the public to attend and all information/materials for each will be posted at The next meeting of the BAC will begin at 6 p.m. May 2 at Jones Elementary. Content of the May 2 meeting will include committee discussion and deliberation in order to finalize a bond package to present to the Board.