HES Students Log On for Reading Night
From the comfort of their home, Holleman Elementary students listened as their teachers read stories during their annual Reading Night. This year, for the safety of students and staff, Reading Night was a virtual event. In preparation for the night, HES students were given bags of popcorn for a snack and a ticket they would turn in for door prizes. HES’ Reading Night is usually scheduled to coincide with their book fair so students can explore different genres of literature.
“We want to create a community of literacy that truly champions reading,” HES Reading Coach Nicole Donaldson said. “Reading night gives us an opportunity to invite parents into our school community and form a connection that supports student achievement inside and out of school.”
During Reading Night, students logged on to three virtual meetings where their teachers read or acted out books. Each book read was chosen due to its high engagement and theme, with Thanksgiving right around the corner, most books were about gratitude and turkeys. HES Principal Ashley Abke and Assistant Principal Michelle Sciba joined the fun and read There Is a Bird On Your Head! by Mo Willems. HES’ Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) supported the event by donating the individual bags of popcorn to send home with On-Campus students and several box sets of books for door prizes.
“Thanks to our generous PTO, students can “POP open a good book” and have a shared experience with their family,” Donaldson said.
After each read-aloud, teachers asked families to take part in activities related to their books, such as discussing their family Thanksgiving traditions or creating artwork. The following day, students turned in their tickets with the three books they listened to for a chance to win a door prize. Throughout the school year, HES continues to encourage student and parent engagement with other activities or events. During SMART Night, families partake in activities related to science, math, art, reading, and technology. The school also holds a schoolwide vocabulary program and participates in the Bluebonnet book program and Name That Book competitions to motivate student readers.