The band program at Waller Junior High School consists of over 200 students divided into three seventh and eighth-grade concert bands (Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band) and a Beginning Band that is open to students in grades six, seven, and eight.
Most band students in Waller begin their musical study in the sixth grade in like-instrument classes that meet for one class period every day. Students do not need to have a background in music to begin study on an instrument. During the first year, students are taught the basics of playing the instrument, develop proper individual practice habits, learn how to participate in an ensemble setting, and grow stronger in their note reading and music theory abilities. We encourage the students to love music through a fun, but structured and productive learning environment.
Seventh and eighth-grade band students who have completed Beginning Band are placed in one of three concert bands based on the ability of the student. The bands participate in many events throughout the school year including Winter and Spring concerts, pep rallies, UIL Competition, solo and ensemble contest, an annual spring trip, and much more!
Students at this level will develop intermediate skills on their instruments, work daily in an ensemble setting, begin more advanced musical theory, and will work towards skill development necessary for success at the high school level.It is the philosophy of the Waller Junior High School Bands that music is an integral component of a comprehensive education. Our goal is to develop independent musicians who can understand and appreciate music for the rest of their lives. If you are interested in more information about the band program, please contact one of our directors today!